Dangers of Oral and Anal Sex that God Warned About

1/17/2015 , 188 Comments

Homophobia is defined as unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality. In turn, a homosexual is a person who is sexually attracted to people of his own sex. Therefore, if God is homophobic, he fears homosexuals or is antipathetic toward homosexuals. That is as far as Richard Dawkins, the author, sees God.

Is God homophobic?

To begin with, Dawkins proposes to be a militant atheist, but he quibbles between believing in the existence of God or not at all. In an interview with The Telegraph, February 24, 2012, he said -

I can't be sure God does not exist... On a scale of seven, where one means I know he exists, and seven I know he doesn't, I call myself a six... That doesn't mean I'm absolutely confident, that I absolutely know, because I don't.

Two years later, in an article written for The Telegraph dated 24 May 2014 by Science Correspondent
Sarah Knapton, Dawkins was quoted as saying -

I would describe myself as a secular Christian in the same sense as secular Jews have a feeling for nostalgia and ceremonies… I am a secular Christian, if you want to call me that.

Dawkins is therefore not an atheist in the true sense but at best, an agnostic, albeit a licentious one. By definition, he is one who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena. In effect, he doesn’t claim faith or disbelief in God. Being that, Dawkins took the liberty of maliciously piling adjectives about God in his book, The God Delusion.

There is no logic in the accusation of Dawkins that God is homophobic for the reason that God is not a respecter of persons. Here’s what the Bible says -

For there is no respect of persons with God.

It is not because you are a real man or a real woman that you are counted "special" in His sight. Why? Because He created all men.

And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD?

THE ACTS 17:26
And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all.

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

What Dawkins does not understand is, that man is part of God's creation whether he is straight or homosexual. How can a God who created all men and is not a respecter of persons be homophobic? Since He doesn’t practice favoritism in His creation, how can He be homophobic? In fact, God wants all men to be saved.

Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

The most loving and compassionate Creator is offering everyone including homosexuals salvation.

THE ACTS 10:34-35
34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.

God accepts everyone that doeth righteousness. He is not partial to homos. There is the distinction that what is sinful is homosexual behavior but not same-sex orientation. If one has an orientation toward something, he doesn’t have to translate that orientation into activity. That orientation is not sinful, but the activity is.

It is the act of unrighteousness that God dislikes among homosexuals and every other man! Any sinful act is offensive to God. But if homosexuals refrain from unrighteousness, they can be sanctified to merit salvation.

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,
10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Accusing God who sanctifies homosexuals to be homophobic is most certainly unfair! It is just as irresponsible as the tweets of Richard Dawkins on ranking rape and pedophilia as mild and violent – as if they were something to be condoned if “mild” only. Dawkins excuses himself that he doesn’t endorse either, so for what purpose is the ranking?

Surprise of surprises, Dawkin’s prurient interests manifest in his representing homos. He who affords himself the oxymoron of being “secular Christian” is one with a very loose tongue. What does research say about homosexuality and what happens when orientation translates into activity? Isn’t Dawkins endorsing them by way of calling God homophobic?

Now let us look deeper into the rationale that God set on His holy book hated by unbelievers.

You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.

What are the scientific considerations that authenticate the scientificity of this biblical injunction? The possibilities of a man lying with another man or a woman with another woman is through anal and oral sex.

On its website, the National Health Service (NHS) of England (www.nhs.uk) discusses the health risks of anal sex as one of common health questions. Accordingly, anal sex is any type of sexual activity that involves the anal area (bottom). This includes: (1) Penetrating the anus with a penis, (2) Penetrating the anus with fingers or sex toys, such as vibrators, (3) Oral sex (stimulating the anus using the mouth or tongue, also known as rimming). It explains that anal sex can spread STIs and why -

What are the main risks of anal sex?
Penetrative anal sex has a higher risk of spreading STIs than many other types of sexual activity. This is because the lining of the anus is thin and can easily be damaged, which makes it more vulnerable to infection.

Further, NHS said STIs that can be passed on through anal sex include: (1) Chlamydia, (2) Genital herpes, (3) Genital warts, (4) Gonorrhea, (5) Hepatitis B, (6) HIV, and (7) Syphilis. Some infections caused by bacteria or viruses can be passed on through oral–anal sex, such as hepatitis A or E. coli. It's also possible to pass on an STI by inserting a finger into someone’s anus.

Another organization (www.avert.org) called AVERT also cautions people about the dangers of oral sex or oral stimulation of the genitals. An international HIV and AIDS charity, based in the UK, it is working to avert HIV and AIDS worldwide, through education, treatment and care. It mentions the same risks that NHS wrote but goes more detailed. On oral sex, it says -

(1) The most common STD transmitted via oral sex is herpes. There are two main types of herpes simplex virus (HSV): HSV type 1, which usually causes cold sores around the mouth, and HSV type 2, which generally causes sores around the genitals. If a person has HSV type 1 and they give oral sex to another person, the herpes could be transmitted to the genital area of the other person, causing genital sores. This process can also work in reverse, with HSV-2 transmitting from the genitals to the mouth of the other person during oral sex, though this is rare.

(2) Gonorrhea can easily be transmitted via oral sex. The infection is usually passed from infected genitals to a person's throat, but can also be passed from an infected throat to a person's genitals. The body will almost always naturally clear the throat of the bacteria that cause gonorrhea within three months, although infections in the genital tract will usually require antibiotics to cure.

(3) Syphilis is easily transmitted during oral sex if a person’s mouth comes into contact with an open sore or a skin rash caused by the infection.

(4) It is possible (but thought to be not very common) for the human papillomavirus, which causes genital warts, to be transmitted through oral sex.

(5) Chlamydia can infect the throat via oral sex, although this is thought to be uncommon. People with chlamydia may not have any symptoms and may not be aware they are infected.

(6) The hepatitis A virus is found in human feces, and may be passed on during anal-oral sex.

(7) Hepatitis B is contained in sexual fluids and blood and may be transmitted during oral sex in a similar way to HIV.

(8) Hepatitis C is generally only contained in blood, and will only be transmitted if there is blood present during oral sex.

(8) Gastrointestinal infections and parasites may be passed on during oral contact with the anus.

While homosexual relationship can be disastrous, heterosexual relationship (between man and wife) is certainly profitable for both. Here’s an excerpt from Dr. David E. Bratt’s “Nothing like Kissing,” posted on The Trinidad Guardian dated April 13, 2004.


Dr. Joseph M. Mercola (www.mercola.com) of natural medicine fame says a healthy sex life can provide for a longer, healthier and, more enjoyable life. The top 11 health benefits of sex he mentioned are: (1) Improved immunity, (2) Heart health, (3) Lower blood pressure, (4) It's a form of exercise, (5) Pain relief, (6) May help reduce risk of prostate cancer, (7) Improve sleep, (8) Stress relief, (9) Boost the libido, (10) Improve bladder control in women, and (11) Increase intimacy and improve the relationship.

Among other things, pain relief is explained as the activity releasing pain-reducing hormones that help reduce or block back and leg pain, as well as pain from menstrual cramps, arthritis and headaches. On stress relief, sex is said to trigger release of its natural feel-good chemicals, thus easing stress and boost pleasure, calm and self-esteem. Sex and orgasms are also said to result in increased levels of the hormone oxytocin that helps one feel bonded to the partner, and better experience empathic connections.

Other than the reasons mentioned above, sexual relationship between a man and his wife under God's laws and directives is God's way of procreation.

GENESIS 1:27-28
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,

And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.

Had all humanity followed this directive, there should not have been born on earth licentious people! All couples would be producing godly seed!

Let us make sure that the next generation of men will not be agnostics, atheists, hypersexual, libertines by heeding to God's counsel!

Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

How about God being racist?

Please follow our next issue. May God bless you.


  1. Another informative article. Worth to read!!

    1. Your blog is extremely brilliant especially the quality content is really appreciable.website

  2. Having said the above information, which are matters of fact, to deny the existence of God is insanity. The vane self-belief and the vastness of gross ignorance may have caused Robert Dawkins to his way of thinking.
    Following God's ways is at all times leading to goodness. God has all the best for all genders, all ages, all status, for all people. All we have to do is to learn and understand them. These are what dawkins wants to deprive his followers.
    God is loving to give us when we need when we want to learn His ways.

  3. The blogs of Mr. controversy are irrefutable. Any atheist who will attempt to refute is just pretending that he knows something, by this blog, please open your mind the possibilities of God existence

  4. Thanks be to God! A short but meaningful blog from Mr. Controversy.

  5. R. Dawkins clear ignorance is becoming more prominent! As if he is digging his own pit whenever his views are countered by Mr. Controversy.

    It will be better for him not to say anything anymore for his ignorance becomes more manifest when he continues giving his stupid views.

  6. Dawkins' thinking is very illogical.

    Thanks be to God for always giving us an opportunity to understand more of His indescribable creation! 😊

  7. Another great imformation...
    To God Be The Glory!

  8. Even things with regards to mating proves that there is love; indeed, there is God. Thanks be to God.

  9. This blog explains more clearer to me that God is not a homophobic as some accusers claim esp. in the old testament as some said.
    Thanks be to God for sending Mr. Controversy X in the cyber-world!

  10. #DawkinsHereticViewsOnGaySex


  11. Thank God for another inspiring and informative blog. New learning today!

  12. I suggest you translate this blog in many different major languages so that non English-speaking people may understand this wonderful Biblical truth. Praise the LORD for sharing this to us.

  13. little by little we came to know Mr. Dawkins as confused professing scientist who suffered identity crisis.
    no wonder he couldn't understand what God is revealing in the bible!

  14. this is so educational. i learned a lot from this. Thanks be to God

  15. God made us to procreate the way he want it to be, NATURAL. Man and Woman. Homos are made by God and also has a way to salvation. But explicit actions are not acceptable by God. Thanks be to God Mr. Controversy for another enlightening topic which made us prove that #DawkinsHereticViewsOnGaySex

  16. I have learned a lot. This blog shows great knowledge. Thanks Mr. Controversy!

  17. Thanks be to God, there is a kind of man who is opening our mind, about the bible and science.

  18. Thanks be to God for this knowledge.Very informative essential for those who seek the truth.

  19. Another wonderful blog! Thanks be to GOD.
    It is wrong to say that GOD is homophobic because GOD not a respecter of persons.
    Thanks be to GOD and TO GOD BE THE GLORY

  20. mr. dakins must open his eyes before its too late

  21. The fact that Mr. Controversy is around to debunk Richard Dawkins' delusions against God is already consoling. No preacher can hold his punches, stare you to the face and discuss controversial issues other than Mr. Controversy. May God always help him.

  22. Bro Eli's teachings are indeed scientific, biblical and legal. Thanks be to God coz Bro Eli is definitely God sent.

  23. Hahaha! GOD is a real perfect GOD! Thanks be to HIM for giving this understanding to mankind to erase doubts emanating from Richard Dawkins heart's. All of his creation were made and protected by his laws and statutes.If human race will only obey his guidelines, we shall see a world filled with righteousness and peace.But many turned otherwise hence, judgement is fast-approaching especially to unbelievers. Love your wife or your husband and be faithful all the time. To GOD BE THE GLORY!

  24. Reading Mr. Controversy's blog affirms my belief that God is good and of course, fair.

  25. All written here make perfect sense to me than Dawkins.

  26. What Dawkins does not understand is, that man is part of God's creation whether he is straight or homosexual.
    If a person like Dawkins will not change, then in eternity of pain he will always ask forever for mercy. This person is so naive.

  27. Very clear explainations, because of science now we know why God warned His people before the dangers bring by having a sex with same gender.

  28. Another Amazing Blog .. New wisdom is being unfold .. By A servant Mr.Controversy .. To God be the Glory ..

  29. Physically, mentally, even spiritually, this blog is very useful for our daily lives. God is not homophobic! He created us as His masterpiece, do not let atheists destroy it. All are in this blog!

    MUST READ...


  31. AMEN!!! is what I can say. this is so amazing! GLORY to GOD!!!

  32. AMEN!! is what I can say. this is so AMAZING! GLORY to GOD!!!

  33. Thanks be to God for this Grreat Blog

  34. This is true...Thanks be to God for this knowledge

  35. Another informative blog from mr controversy!

  36. really dawkin have no idea regarding this matter..a foolish thinker...thinks falsely..much better if he cook donut...and calls it ''dawkin dunkin donut"

  37. Dawkins doesn't have the true wisdom.

  38. Salamat sa Dios Naanib ako sa Ang Dating Daan Members Church of God International

    Lorenzo Bernal Jr.
    author of http://renzblog.uso99.com/

  39. For me God is really wants to save all men that He created wheather are homosexual but God warned to all homophobic people to do something unrighteousness especially to do oral sex and anal sex because they get many dangerous infection and the most important is God created man for a woman so that if ever you are a homophobic don't do something sinful infront of our almighty God.

  40. Must read this blog. Thanks be to God.
    Dawkins Donut hahahaha :D

  41. that is true, becoz its written in the bible that GENESIS 1:27-28
    27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
    28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,
    thganks be to god!

  42. Dawkins! An atheist. We shouldn't believe of what was saying because he was obviously a liar and an enemy of God.

  43. Dawkins is an evil minded.His wisdom is come from evil.I hope there are more readers read this informative article....Thanks be to God.

  44. Thanks be to God for this new knowledge.

  45. Thanks be to God! A short but meaningful and interesting from Mr.Controversy

  46. To God Be The Glory! aA very Iformative Blog...

  47. Big Thanks to Mr. Controversy! This Blogs open our minds and hearts to what is Right and Just! To God be the Glory! Amen!

  48. Thanks be to God..another knowledge again..very interesting...

  49. I think Dawkins will support incest.

  50. "Dawkins is therefore not an atheist in the true sense but at best, an agnostic, albeit a licentious one"

    Oh my goodness....

    Do you actually know what agnosticism is? Well You've defined it... But you've got it completely wrong. Dawkin is an *Agnostic Atheist*. This means the following:

    "I can never know whether I am right or wrong in my beliefs, but I don't believe that god exists."

    In fact if you actually studied theology you'd know that it is impossible to know for sure that God exists. Because your knowledge relies on a presupposition that your physical senses are absolutely real. That assumption is an assumption - it may be wrong. Thus you cannot know anything that you feel is real for certain.

    Remember, and again you'd know if you studied philosophy, that you can not use the bible to justify your god's existence. Because you claim your bible came from your god.
    If you'd say that it'd be circular logic.
    A then B, B then A. It doesn't make sense.

    "While homosexual relationship can be disastrous, heterosexual relationship (between man and wife) is certainly profitable for both"

    You're acting like there is no risk to vaginal sex. Anal sex may be more risky than vaginal, yes. But vaginal sex is STILL risky. Science has shown there is a risk of ischaemic stroke and coronary heart disease from vaginal sex. And I would like to say also that you only have a risk of transferring an STI if one of the couple **has** an STI.

    Just because you have a 1 in 1 billion chance of throwing a 1 on a billion sided dice, doesn't mean you shouldn't throw the dice. Throwing the dice could be extremely rewarding! :D And anal sex is both extremely pleasurable for both the giver and the receiver, as long as you take it slow... Sooo there really is nothing wrong with anal... Just as there is really nothing wrong with vaginal. Except if you think that the risk means it is wrong... In which you should look at the risks of both vaginal and anal.

    You're currently just cherry picking evidence... That's the sad thing...

    "Dr. Joseph M. Mercola (www.mercola.com) of natural medicine fame says a healthy sex life can provide for a longer, healthier and, more enjoyable life. The top 11 health benefits of sex he mentioned are: (1) Improved immunity, (2) Heart health, (3) Lower blood pressure, (4) It's a form of exercise, (5) Pain relief, (6) May help reduce risk of prostate cancer, (7) Improve sleep, (8) Stress relief, (9) Boost the libido, (10) Improve bladder control in women, and (11) Increase intimacy and improve the relationship."

    Yeah. And the same thing is true for anal sex. Notice Dr. Mercola said "a healthy sex life provides", not a healthy vaginal intercourse life nor a healthy anal sex life. Anal sex, is part of a healthy sex life. Your whole body is part of a healthy sex life. Your anus, your vagina, your mouth, your breasts - your whole body.

    But none of that matters. The exact excerpt from the bible says:
    9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, [...] nor men who practice homosexuality."

    This shows that the person who wrote it, whether it be God or man. Whoever wrote it attributed sexual immorality to male homosexuality. God says that these people won't get into heaven... Just because they practice homosexuality. That IS homophobia. That IS sexual discrimination.

    And guess what?! STIs can be transmitted through vaginal sex too! Here's a short list of some of the most popular STIs transmitted through vaginal sex:

    Hepatitis B
    Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
    Molluscum Contagiosum
    Pubic Lice (“Crabs”)
    Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

    1. Im glad you read the whole text before posting. Too many lemmings on that site.

    2. well right from the beginning, you do not have the right to say these things because you believe in an assumption.
      which means that you basis in religion is an assumption.
      your virtues in life are based on assumption.
      your opinion that has to do with life & religion is based on assumption and not to be trusted, you lived your whole life as a lie.
      therefore, your long post is INVALID!

      you do not or cannot (right word) be expected of the truth.

    3. i would like to see you comment like that in front of bro. eli via live television, and eat your own words.
      didn't you see the title?
      This post is about "The Dangers of Oral and Anal Sex that GOD Warned About", you even said it yourself "Anal sex may be more risky than vaginal, yes" so this blog is correct.

  51. Dawkins says:

    "I can't be sure God does not exist... On a scale of seven, where one means I know he exists, and seven I know he doesn't, I call myself a six... That doesn't mean I'm absolutely confident, that I absolutely know, because I don't."

    If I will rate Dawkins from 1-10. And ten is the highest... I'll give you a perfect ten! Ten being a perfect moron!!!

  52. Brother Eliseo Soriano openly discusses what others consider a vulgar issue.Nothing is indecent when it comes to healthy living.

  53. Thanks be to God! A short but meaningful blog from Mr. Controversy

    Thanks for concern.:)

  54. Thanks be to GOD, it gave us to much information in the inner of the BIBLE

  55. Dawkins realy doesn't know who he is or where he belong and that's proved to him that he is not/nor to be could a christian. Thanks be to God...

  56. Dawkins doesn't really know who he is or where he belong, that's proved that he is not/nor to be could in a decent name as a christian.

  57. This is absolutely very informative for the whole world to know.

  58. This is absolutely very informative for the whole world to know.

  59. very informative indeed and worth reading. This is really an eye opener to people from all walks of life

  60. A short but meaningful blog from Mr. Controversy . must read of many people in this time.

  61. thanks be to God for this information.,this will enlighten us specially for those people who are depending on their personal opinions and beliefs.,

  62. Dr. Joseph M. Mercola (www.mercola.com) of natural medicine fame says a healthy sex life can provide for a longer, healthier and, more enjoyable life.

    Sex provides a lot of happiness, i knew it!
    But if i may again do it God forbid,

    We GAYS are not born to burn in lake of fire!

    Thanks be to GOD for this sensible preacher who taught me this verse,

    Leviticus 18:22
    "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination."

  63. Roman 1;28 and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
    29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
    30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
    31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
    32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

  64. Very informative...Biblical Teachings for our own health and safety..Thanks be to God.

  65. thanks be to God for He gives us His grace to know eXtraordinary truths through Mr. Controversy #TheTruthCaster
    keep reading :)

  66. an educational and informative BLOG that should be read by all!
    This should also be put to a leaflet and be given to all couples preparing for marriage..
    God Bless Mr. Controversy!!!!



  69. Thanks be to God for another informative article ...i learn a lot...

  70. thanks be to GOD for this very informative truth that mr.controversy shared to us

  71. Mr. Controversy exposed the error of this atheist, Richard Dawkins.
    Indeed, if only all men heed to the commanment of God, the was to be a better place, free of illnesses. But men keep on transgressing, and then when the world turned askew, misguided atheists, like Hawkins, point an accusatory finger.

  72. Scientifically, biblically and biologically accurate. Only from Mr Controversy ...

  73. perfect timing reading this..

  74. Thanks be to God for this blog... may this blog open the eyes of everybody to the facts that is written in the bible...

  75. very well explained...Salamat sa Dios!

  76. The Bible is very informative in all aspects of human life, including sex. This blog educates people thru Biblical wisdom. Man to man & woman to woman sex is prohibited since time in memorial. If every people reads this blog, everybody will be guided in a clean, rightful & peaceful life (including safe sex) Thanks be to God.

  77. so that what it is, very informative and truly an eye opener...a must read for all not only homosexuals/bisexuals

  78. Another good topic based from the bible. Thanks be to God!

  79. God knows what is good for us, because he created us.everything what is writen in the bible is for our own benefit

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. To God be the Glory. This blog served as an eye opener to everyone. Let's help to spread this blog in anyways. Amen!

  82. This blog is very informative and very true.! Thanks be to God.

  83. Very informative article; worth spending time reading.. ")

    Thanks be to God!!!!!

  84. " A throughout understanding of the Bible is better than a college education."

    Thanks be to God!!!

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. Worth to read. Very interesting blog. Thanks be to God.

  89. Guidance from God for mankind.

  90. Thanks be to God for blog articles like this.

  91. Thumbs up! When I read this blog, it makes me think that God is in order. He created men and women in the sense that, for their on good. Thus, same sex marriage should not be implemented because it is unhealthy and dangerous. Thanks be to God for this informative blog Mr. Controversy :)

  92. Thanks be to GOD very informative and true!
    must read!!!

  93. It feeds My mind.
    Thanks be to God!

  94. In any topic almost everybody feels awkward talking about intimacy in religious programs or blogs but this is really a brave act of Bro Eli. He revealed what others dare not to. And recounted scientific and biblical truths on not just mere intimacy but the practice of unacceptable intercourse.
    Thanks Bro Eli.
    To GOD be the glory.

  95. It is a vivid knowledgeable blog which contain answers of those anxieties. Unlike other blogs.
    Thanks Be To God.

  96. To God all the Glory, for this wonderful blog.....

  97. We must not judge the salvation of others esp the homosexuals just bcos of their sexual orientation. Everyone is created by GOD and He wants everyone to be saved. If anyone wants to be righteous in the eyes of GOD, then follow the commands and not to engage in any sinful activities. Thanks Bro Eli for enlightening us through the power of Holy Spirit

  98. Thanks be to GOD for another lesson..

  99. Thanks be to GOD for the info!

  100. a very timely blog! now that same sex marriage is already legal in USA. wishing everyone would be able to read this!

  101. To God be the Glory. Panibagong kaalaman na aking natutunan.

  102. An eye opener to people who do not know the harm of improper sex.

  103. Mr. Controversy is amazing at how he incorporates the word of God in the bible in matters that concerns our society now...keep it up and may God always help you.

  104. Worth reading...very informative! Thanks be to God!

  105. Nice one very informative, 1 and only!

  106. Really informative, and learned a lot from the bible. Thank's Mr.ControversyX

  107. Every time I am reading bro Elis blog, I always realize how much God loves us.

  108. There is great wisdom behind every commandment, and to abide by it is for wellness of our body and spirit.

  109. imformative and it help me realize what are the effects of being adventurer/liberated.. thanks be to God....

    HEBREWS 13:4
    Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge

  110. Panibagong kaalaman mula sa DIOS, salamat sa DIOS.

  111. To God be the Glory :)


  112. To GOD be the Glory


  113. Homosexuals must read this to provide additional information and this blog give hope and widening our understanding and what GOD wants us to do.

  114. this is anothe really informative topic about our health,specially for the persons who practices this kind of sexual intercourse.Salamat sa Dios.

  115. Thank God brother Eli is here ...TO GOD BE THW GLORY WE ARE BLESSED

  116. A million of thanksgiving! :-) proud to be MCGI

  117. A Million thanksgiving to God..Proud to be MCGI


  119. Thans be to God. To God be the Glory :

  120. A Million Thanks to GOD! Salamat po sa Mga Sugong Mangangaal na bigay nyu po sa Amin :)

  121. This discourse is enlightening. As a married man, I thank you Bro Eli for discussing this sort of topic to us. You are truly rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

  122. If you haven't read the whole text, please stop commenting like lemmings. All the above mentioned diseases can be transmitted throught proper intercourse, even kissing can be dangerous. Trade a few hours of church for hours at school.

  123. Nice approach there Mr. Controvery, But let this be very clear, God hates and will punish EVERYTHING HOMOSEXUAL. So what is He going to do with them, of course Punish them.

    KNow that people with inclinations to things that displease God are already enemies of God. It is impossible to be inclined to hokosexuality and not fulfill the desires (Lusts) that come from that inclination. You would never be inclined to it in the first place if you dont want to fulfill it.

    Holding the homo inclination and view is already a defilement of your heart and thought system. There is no way God will approve of that view.

    Rev. 21 v 27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

    I propose you seek God's spirit to give you a new heart in Ezekiel: 36 v 25-32

    25 ¶ Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.
    26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.
    27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.
    28 And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God.
    29 I will also save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call for the corn, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you.
    30 And I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field, that ye shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen.
    31 Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations.
    32 Not for your sakes do I this, saith the Lord GOD, be it known unto you: be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel.

  124. just think of it...this blog is so marvelous and who can see the biblical truth about sex education except this marvelous man...Bro. Eli Soriano...

  125. I think that the 3rd sex are closer to God if they choose to be a christian and follow Jesus...so let them forget oral and anal sex which is unchristian...

  126. ...in response to the comment of sancarn April 22, 2015...please let us not perceive a particular creation whether he is agnostic or atheist based on your knowledge influenced by your upbringing and commercialism standards for in so doing you will be lost groping for the truth...have hope and faith in God with true love called agape in your being and you will come to realize as you will perceive that there is a wonderful creator who gave us life...you may call a spade a spade but what is the true wisdom of the one who made the spade...please use your logic in its proper focus...hehehe

    1. sancarn may just be having an assumption because what he believes in is just maybe an assumption, so don't mind his assumption. everything he wrote/posted all fell from his premise.

      he even said that you cannot use the bible for basis, surely he didn't understand what he read in the bible.

  127. Tama naman po....maraming kasamaan ang nakakahadlang sa atin...gaya po nito. May God Bless you!

  128. Yung mga pabasa basa lang po jan.

    Hang basa nalang po ba kayo?

    Yung ibang maraming nakabasa tumalima na po sa aral. Mga kapatid na po sila.

    Tayo na po at ating suriin ang aral sa MCGI/ ANG DATING DAAN through untv 37 and truth channel.

    Meron din po sa youtube.

    Or let'S visit MCGI/ANG DATING DAAN coordinating center.


  129. Thanks be to God for the new wisdom
    I like this article. In Africa homosexualls are been condemned and hated it is not that safe for homosexualls especially when found practising homosexuality like in Ghana for instance. May God bless our leaders bro. Eli&bro. Daniel
    to God be the glory!!

  130. I need more help on this issue

  131. Malaking kasamaan yan at dapat ay magiingat tayo sa ganitong mga karumaldumal na gawa......
