INC Manalo Twists Scriptures to Refer to Himself

9/19/2015 , 419 Comments

We will discuss for now truth in contents - texts and contexts - and so I ask you to be analytical.

The contents of the Bible, the truth in particular, came from one mind, the mind of God.

ISAIAH 55:8-9 
8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.  
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

This collection of precisely interwoven and knitted facts of information that came from the mind of God is called the “truth.”

PSALMS 119:160 (RSV) 
The sum of thy word is truth; and every one of thy righteous ordinances endures for ever.

The undeniable truth mentioned in one part of the Holy Scriptures is a part of the general truth that the entire Bible conveys. For this reason, an honest-to-goodness student of the Bible would always consider citing a part of the truth in relation to the general truth. This is where the idea of "context" comes in. Text with or in relation to, is context.

In Revelation 7, the intent of the 5th angel shouting to the four others not to hurt the sea, the trees, and the earth, is for him, together with his company, to first accomplish their God-given task of sealing the foreheads of the servants of "our God." Logically and biblically, the sealing must be done first by the 5th angel and his companions, before the winds that the four angels are holding are let loose to destroy trees, sea, and the earth. It is within the text of Revelation 7:3.

Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.

Taking Revelation 7:3 and disregarding the context is certainly a dangerous way of interpreting the verse. In the context of the following verse, we find that the intent and the task was consummated and those that were sealed were numbered exactly.

And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed a hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

The intent of the Manalistas of the Iglesia ni Cristo in disregarding the context of Revelation 7 is to evade the truth that the 5th angel did not seal Filipinos as they claim, but children of the twelve tribes of Israel!

From their Pasugo magazine dated January 1964, on Page 3, here’s the translation of this excerpt –

So, people from the Philippines (Filipinos) are the sheep of Jesus that are not yet in the coral when Christ was here on earth. What did Christ say that He would do to these sheep of His? He will make them one sheep or He will raise them as one church. It is Christ who will raise them and not Bro. Manalo.

But respecting the context of the story in Revelation 7, we can see a picture - a clear picture of persons that were sealed with the seal of God - and the particular time mentioned when the sealing was done by the 5th angel – not Manalo! Verse 3 shows the 5th angel speaking. Verse 4 shows the consummation – the sealing of 144,000 of all the tribes of Israel – not Filipinos!

Let’s go to events just before this to understand the context.

In Revelation 6, exactly before Revelation 7, something happening at a particular point in time was being seen by John.

12 and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;  
13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.  
14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;  
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Considering the texts and the contexts of these preceding verses, the time mentioned is not during the outbreak of World War 1 (1914) as claimed by the Manalistas!

On Page 33 of Pasugo, July 1964, they claim in the vernacular -

What are these carts that look like cyclones? These are war tanks. And what are the horses flying swiftly like eagles? These are airplanes called “aerial cavalry” or air shelters (World History, p. 478). When these airplanes are raiding, signals to people are heard that there are air raids. This signal is the sound of the sirens. When the people hear this, their hearts beat fast and they run to hide in caves called in the modern language as “air raid shelter.” Which world war first used tanks and airplanes? This was World War 1 that broke out in 1914 (World History, p. 478).

Referring to Verse 15 of Chapter 16, people are hiding in air raid shelters because there are bombs being dropped by the warring factions in that World War 1, they say.

But - it is the day not of war between humans like World War 1!

It is the day of the wrath of the Lamb!

It is not as cheap as how the Iglesia ni Cristo would put it – so that they can insert their advertisement about their church.

16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:  
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

Asking the mountains and the rocks to fall on them is not hiding in air raid shelters to save oneself from harm but a desperate act, just because they do not want to experience the wrath of the Lamb. This is simply the irony of the truth in the context! Hilarious!

It is not the day the Iglesia ni Cristo was registered. It is the day of the Lamb! This is not war of 1914 but (I emphasize) the day of the wrath of the Lamb!

We are sure that the day of the Lamb is also the day of the Lord, because the Lamb is the Lord. It is the day also of judgment - a day when the Lord will come with His angels to gather all His people!

MATTHEW 24:29-31 
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:  
30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 
31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Fast forward to July 1970, Pasugo on Page 19 said in the vernacular –

The wind being mentioned here is different from the one we used to know because this is hot and does not blow and clean. It has a cart that carries something cyclone-like and horses that run faster than the eagle. These bring destruction. The horses that run faster than eagles when they raid are being made signals because they are modern instruments being used in war. The wind being mentioned here is war. The war being proven here is a world war (Isa. 34:1-2).

How cunning of Manalo to fool his people – twisting the Scriptures so he could insert himself and his church! These things from texts and contexts have yet to happen!

The accounts in Revelation 6 and 7 did not happen in 1914 when WW1 broke out! Nor did it happen in 1941 when WWII broke out.

Beginning from the opening of the sixth seal, we must notice that on Verse 12 of Revelation 6, the sun turned black and the moon became as blood. I am writing this particular blog at 2:20 in the afternoon of September 16, 2015. I looked out and the sun is still bright and not black. The truth is that these events have not yet happened!

Instead, this will happen in the day of the Lord. It is the day when angels will be sent by the Lord to gather and seal all those that are worthy of salvation. The first to be sealed are the saved people from the twelve tribes of Israel; then afterwards, the great multitude coming from all nations of the earth!

And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed a hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

Notice that this verse above starts with the conjunction "and," meaning it is a continuation of the information cited on verse 3 about the sealing of the servants of God. An honest student of the Scriptures will not just simply dismiss Verse 4 to conveniently take out of context Verse 3 just because of the term, "angel from the east" or "from the rising of the sun.”

The intent or task of sealing was mentioned in Verses 1-3 and the result was mentioned in Verses 4 and 9. That is a true story that will happen in what is called in the Bible as "the day of the Lamb!”

9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;  
10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.

The day mentioned is the day of salvation, wherein each one considered saved will be sealed.

Now, we come to another verse that Manalo claims for himself. In Revelation 7, there is no mention of the term "far east.” The Manalistas are using the translation of Moffatt using the verse in Isaiah 46:11.

ISAIAH 46:11  
Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.

It is presumptuous of Manalo to refer to himself. For convenience, they cite a new and paraphrased version called "The Moffatt Bible" which says:

I carry out whate'er I choose,' summoning a bird of prey from the east, a man for my purpose from a land afar; I have said it, I will do it, I will carry out my plan.

Where is their point of reference to measure “afar?” The Philippines? And they use this to convince foreign lands? By this trick the Manalistas are misleading not only themselves but also even their followers! The trick is to disregard context, ancient codices, and rightful translations, using every kind of Bible verse available - even the mistranslated - to suit their invented stories!

This thing is prophesied in the Bible. The deceivers will be deceived, that is: they will deceive even themselves!

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

By using 46:11 of Isaiah, another burden of proof have to be solved in the trickery of the Iglesia ni Manalo. Now, they have to prove that Manalo is a bird of prey. We will prove in the next issue of this blog that Manalo is neither a bird nor an angel nor a man!

God bless you.


  1. There are critics who criticize for the sake of bigotry, who attacks belief just to make themselves feel better. Mr. Controversy is different - he is the kind who critiques constructively with the pure sense of concern.

    He doesn’t leave readers hanging in confusion. He points fallacies, explains why they are fallacious, untangles mishmash, and presents solution without missing the right context nor dodging important verses. He is like a gardener who never plants a seed unless all weeds are uprooted.

    This leads us to ask why INC ministers prohibit their members from reading Bro. Eli’s blog. Reason - he’s irrefutable.

  2. How absurd for the Manalo family to parade itself as a church, claiming to preach the word of God while defiling it and twisting it to their own favor. Mr. Controversy's blogs truly expose the wrong teachings of the Iglesia ni Cristo of Mr. Manalo -- by stating what the verses in the Bible truly mean in its full context, exposing this church's false teachings.

    I sincerely hope that this truth will be read by more people.

  3. It is very obvious that not only person is involved in this trickery. They all have something to gain. Pasugo that they call God's Message was being used for a long time to fool the members. Their narrative, however, has many loopholes. What will happen now that the editor, Isaias Samson Jr was expelled? I hope someday he will come to his senses and tell about his participation. However, it looks like time has worked out strong delusion on him also. Until now, he believes the INC is the true church.


  4. This is another Interesting.
    Informative and worth reading writeup from Mr. Controversy X, let us all spread this helpful article so we could inform our relatives and friends specially the Manalistas this glaring truth.
    A new blog that will surely awaken our fellowmen, keep on sharing…
    Gracias A Dios!

  5. Manalistas, twisting verses of the Bible to deceive others.

    Thank God there is someone like Mr.CX to expose them.


  7. For us to understand the truth that is in the Bible we also have to consider context which the Manalistas don’t due to this, they misinterpreted the wind as the WWI which is tantamount false.

    What is being referred to verse 15 and 16 is not WWI but the day of the wrath of the Lamb. This hasn't happened yet therefore it is not during 1914 nor 1941 when WWI or WWII broke out.

    I hope many of our fellowmen and especially the deceived members of the INC

    Thanks be to GOD Mr Controversy for another wonderful blog.

    1. I hope many of our fellowmen and especially the deceived members of the INC may read this blog

  8. for this new blog thanks be to God

  9. Now we understood with God's help and mercy and with the guidance MrX's blog, that the context of Chapters 6 and 7 of Revelation and its verses are not referring to WW1 nor WW2, but the "the day of the wrath of the Lamb" called in the bible, and is connected to Matthew 24:29-31 and these events are yet to happen. Should we must prepare for it because this is the gathering of his people… To God be the Glory forever!.

    I specifically laughed at the wrong interpretation of verse 16 and 17 of Rev, as man made bunkers.. tsk tsk tsk... its just wrong, like a punchline with a very bad timing. Clearly the Interpretations in Revelation does not refer to Manalo, not the INC registration, not the Wars on earth.

    In Rev 7:4-10 is very clear, salvation is not oly for the 144K of Israel but also for the GREAT MULTITUDE from every Nation, every Language or tongue. INCM does not have native members from many countries that MGCI have! And from their claim of 2M members (not true, another twisted census) now they have a great crisis for all the world to see, facing an inevitable decrease in numbers.

    How can INCM be the true Church with corruption, injustices (imagine, expulsion of members without investigation) and criminal records... hidden from the public for a long time because they are powerful - thanks to the whistleblowers and ex members who cant take it anymore.

    Manalo's and INCM's wrong interpretations deceived many Filipinos, but Thanks be to God for sending his faithful servants. Thank you for reminding us Mr Controversy X that the TRUTH came from God not from any man or angel! INCM members have the chance to be saved, if they exit from their Cult.

    As for the readers, let us share this Blog! a very nice read for all. Thanks be to God!

  10. Another interesting blog.. Manalista should read this topic for them to be enlighthen.. Thanks be to God bro.eli for always revealing the word of God.


  11. Manalo twisting verses in the bible to convince many people and for them to believe in his lies! Thank be to God for another great blog from Mr. Controversy. I hope many people will be awaken by this blog! To God be the Glory!

  12. Manalo twisting verses in the bible to convince many people and for them to believe in his lies! Thank be to God for another great blog from Mr. Controversy. I hope many people will be awaken by this blog! To God be the Glory!

  13. Claiming is one thing but proving is another thing. Mr Controversy proves that Manalo's claims are Frauds. it may hurt some iglesia ni manalo fanatics but as the saying goes ' no pain , no gain". Just accept the truth .Thanks be to God for this blog

  14. Manalo are twisting the Scripture to fit their ideals. We have also have to consider the context.

    Manalo deceives his poor members making them think he is an angel and the wind is the WWI which us wrong

    Thanks be to GOD Mr Controversy

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Felix Manalo is twisting the scriptures to insert himself. Hilarious!

  17. Manalo is known for his too much usurpation of many things from authorities in the bible but one thing is clear, he is totally ignorant...he is fake and false prophet.
    INC, a century of false doctrine. Woe unto Philippines having the presence of this false religion lead by a false preacher.

    Thanks be to GOD for another eye opening blog of MrControversyX.

  18. Indeed Manalo is twisting the scripture to deceive his members

  19. Its a very informative Article that should know by everyone, i must share this on my site and social media.

  20. And just as felix did, his fanatics have twisted minds too. They blindly follow all deceits they hear. They are willing to kill and die for their faith as we have openly seen in the past few weeks. felix have passed on his wickedness to the last leader of the church he founded. He was able to create an empire of blind fanatics.
    Since we have been saved from blindness of faith, we now have a duty to spread the Good News. Through the internet, we can play our part. Expositions are ready-available courtesy of Mr.Controversy. All we have to do is to share and spread his blogs using our social media accounts.
    May the Good Lord give more power to Bro.Eli Soriano and Brother Daniel Razon.

  21. Worth reading must share for public awareness..

  22. Clearly, iglesia ni manalo's doctrines are make believe. Bending the truth to satisfies their folly. We hope this blog will reached our fellowmen deceived by this unbiblical doctrines pretending to be biblical

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Felix Manalo's expertise is to claim to the extent of twisting the truth in the bible. Just claiming to mislead people without proving anything on his claims. Thanks God for using Bro Eli and Bro Daniel in exposing this lies in false churches..

  25. Indeed, the presence of Mr. Controversy in the worldwide web signifies salvation.
    The prosperity in the knowledge of teachings is what netizens need to have and let it be known to all.

  26. In all manner, from political to spiritual, they used to twist..


  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I did not know that Manalo was only claiming that he is an angel, but he was also a good magician! :-)

  30. I felt mercy to the INC member's because they being deceived by Manalo, Teaching them that He is the angel ascending from the sun, a bird of prey from the east, twisting scriptures to refer to himself and convince his members that their church is true and he is the messenger of GOD, But because of this Blog of Mr.Controversy we can see clearly how Manalo's teaching is very wrong, cheap explanation, I hope many people could read this Blog very interesting and knowleageble. Thanks be to GOD. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

  31. It is clearly and very well explained. Thanks be to God for enlightening!

  32. Open your mind and hearts, INC members don't sticked to that wrong teaching of your "angel".. Mr. ControversyX proves many evidence.. Thanks be to God for this new blog..

  33. Open your mind and hearts, INC members doesn't sticked to that wrong teaching of your "angel".. Mr. ControversyX proves many evidence.. Thanks be to God for this new blog..

  34. One thing is very clear: Manalo uses the Scriptures only to his own convenience and favor. Thanks be to God that Mr. Controversy is courageous enough to expose him in the light of the Scriptures itself!

  35. What a thorough explanation from MrControversy! Manalo's wrong interpretation of the bible shows that he will do anything, as to make his followers believe he is sent by God by twisting and misinterpreting the Bible.. what a deceiving preacher! Thanks be to God for yet another blog full of evidence from the Bible to expose deceitful preachers.

  36. Thanks be to God I am here at the true church. To God be the Glory!

  37. Thanks be to God for this another interesting blogs. Hope someday that all unbiblical deceiving doctrine of false church of INCM may be known to all people.

  38. Kaawa-awa naman ang mga inaakay nila mali mali ang turo sa incm

  39. Poor Manalo! He is an outcast and none of the Bible's prescription fits him into it. As a delusional false prophet he is so claim he is the one then twists Scriptures to refer to himself!

    Read this blog and be enlightened. Don't be just a blind follower of a blind one Manalo or else you will altogether shall fall into the ditch.


  40. INC members should take time to read blog on how they where deceived by Manalo, its high time to wake up from a nightmare,may God enlighten their minds and hearts.

  41. another informative topics,from the true the false teaching of INC's founder,Felix Manalo.

  42. Mr. Controversy is not bias about his explanation about the wrong interpretations of the iglesia ni manalo, as I could clearly see he always based this conclusion with the bible and their so called pasugo.

    Thanks be to God for this new blog!

  43. Felix Manalo had no shame or fear to the Lord at all! Picking verses that not for him which misled his member and his converts! Thanks God we have @MrControversyX on this time that have guts to expose the false teaching of the religion! To our fellowmen especially members of Manalo, open your eyes and mind to this! Don't be fooled by this deceit of Felix Manalo!

  44. With God's help,Mr.CX have revealed some of INCM false pronouncements.They fool people to the expense of twisting the Bible with their wrongful interpretations.What a shame.Wake up INCM members.Open your eyes.Read these blogs and accept the truth being laid to you by Mr.CX.This will lead you to a right path.Tnx be to God.To God be the glory forever!

  45. Manalo can win the best story writer!!!

  46. Hope that Manalo!s follower would be more curious in what mr controversy wrote in his blog don!t get mad please investigate !!!

  47. Yan si manalo! "Pinipilipiiiiiiit" ang mga talata! "Pinipiiliiitt" ang sarili sa Biblia!!!

  48. How I hope that INCM members will understand this.. If not all, at least most of them...


  49. Once again, reading your blogs all worth my time reading and sharing to my friends. F.Manalo is indeed busted in his crimes! I hope this blog could be read by many, esp. by the INM members.
    Thanks be to God for bringing the light!

  50. A must read blog that will surely enlighten us how deceitful the Manalista are.

  51. Thanks be to GOD Mr Controversy for another wonderful blog.

  52. Mr. Manalo is a liar using cheap illusions.

    I pray that INCM will open their heart and mind

  53. Thanks be to God Mr. Controversy X for this informative blog...

  54. Thanks be to God & to be the glory ...

  55. This blog is true, manalo is a fake leader..

  56. sfbay sfbay sfbay sfbay. Salamat sa Dios.

  57. Manalo teachings only shows that he did'nt understand the scriptures,thanks God for guiding Him brother Eli.

  58. Once again another interesting, a very informative blog. Please read this article. I love you MrX's

  59. This is another interesting blog from Mr. Controversy. Thanks be to God!

  60. Majority of the doctrines of INCM were against the holy scripture. Manalo insisted he is holy while Jesus Christ is a man only.

  61. Let us be analytical always, most particularly in reading this blog. Let us not be deceived and let us not allow ourselves to be deceived!

  62. #TheTruthCaster
    Blind manalo twister of truth.

  63. Awesome blog!
    Thanks be to God.
    Manalistas are twisted transistors.

  64. INCM is showcasing himself with his followers which really he knew that this is against the bible.

  65. Very informative, my relatives incm must read this article of MrControversy.

  66. Manalo is fooling his followers by twisting the truth written in the Holy Scriptures...

  67. Must read so we will not be deceived by Manalo - because #ManaloMisleadsPeople

  68. Twisting The Scripture is a Sin... So Manalo is a Sinner.. Why belive in him?

  69. no wonder, they also try to twist even the laws of the land

  70. Another wonderful blog post supported and explained by biblical verses rather than fabrication -- making up lies which is something Manalo is accustomed to in order to profit from his blind members.

    Thanks be to God!

  71. The true doctines of God must be follow by the true Christian. This is in contrast with the doctrine of INCM, Manalo teaches against the bible.

  72. Another very informative blog by our mr. Controversy. Thanks be to God for this. To God be the glory!

  73. Another eye opening biblical truth from mr contreversy

  74. Why are the Manalo followers blind? You must open your eyes and they should know the truth.

  75. I wish INCM followers read this informative blog.

  76. The problem with people like Manalo is that they think they can contour and distort the bible to agree with their caprices.

    Thanks be to God for another eye opening article from Mr. ControversyX!

  77. The wrong interpretations of this false religion of this false prophet is nothing but a business tactic. To let other people believe that what they say is true beside the fact that they twist and shuffle and add their own thoughts on the Bible authored by the Almighty is beyond the doctrines of the Bible. Thank you, Mr. Controversy for setting the records straight.

  78. The truth will always come out. Thanks be to God, Mr. Controversy proved Manalo really misleading his people. I hope manalistas will read this and open their eyes for the truth.

  79. Truly manalo do not understand the scripture and all he preach is false. Hope that God would open the eyes of the INC members and would know how to discern the truth from false.

  80. Felix Manalo's twisting the truth in the bible to deceive people!!!

    Thanks be to God for this beautiful blog ...

  81. 2-Corinto 10:4 (Sapagka't ang mga sandata ng aming pakikilaban ay hindi ukol sa laman, kundi sa harapan ng Dios ay may kapangyarihang gumiba ng mga kuta);
    5 Na siyang gumigiba ng mga maling haka, at ng bawa't bagay na matayog na nagmamataas laban sa karunungan ng Dios, at bumibihag sa lahat ng pagiisip sa pagtalima kay Cristo;

  82. Manalo always including himself to the holy scriptures which is wrong. Cause we have to be guided accordingly to the scriptures of God and not what just Manalo said. Thanks be to God!

  83. Thanks be unto God and to our Lord Jesus Christ for this another eye opener blog, for the wisdom bestowed to Mr Controversy.May the members of the INC read this, this is an awakening for them, to realize that their belief came from a twisted mind, obviously deceiving them for the sake of money.

  84. Every blog is worth reading and sharing.
    Thanks be to GOD!


  85. A very informative, interesting blog I love you MrX's

  86. Very interesting - must read & share! Thank GOD MR CX for these very informative BLOG!

  87. I like the boldness of the blogs of Mr. Controversy X-courageously exposing religious lies, laying down Biblical reasons crystal clear, sincerely conveying truth to people. Manalo's megalomania is so strong so as to twist the truth. Thanks be to God, this blog is an eye-opener. I hope INM members will cleave to what is good, rather than believe the deceit by their conceited false preacher.

  88. This just proves how Manalo is narrow-minded and impatient in understanding the Bible, especially the fact that he will never understand as it is stated in Daniel 12:10.

    Poor members, being deceived by this lowly creature they call an angel.

    Thanks be to God.

  89. Reading between the lines—failed to do so by Manalo. He should have made a novel, instead of a Church. His good in making twists eh!

    Thank God Mr. Controversy is not like him! He carefully uses each word and verse in the Bible in preaching. To God be the glory!

    #ManaloMisleadsPeople #TheTruthCaster

  90. Twisting the scriptures is what the Manalos do. They claim things written ,pertaining it to themselves, which is not.

  91. Manalo is misleading people worldwide~! He is an epitome of an unjust preacher who twists the scriptures to favor his fables; sounds like a desperate move to attract members. Thanks be unto God for this blog.

    May this blog serve as an eye opener to the public, even to INC members. May they realize that Manalo doesn't care about their souls.

  92. Be not deceived of the claims of manalo...learn the truth by reading this blog. Mr xcontoversy please continue in enlightening the minds of people. God be with You. Thanks

  93. INC-Manalista wrong intrepretation in the Bible.Twisting the truth for her favor.very pitty religion about Bible.Thanks be to God for new righteousness we have.

  94. No where in the bible that INC Manalo's fits as Prophets

  95. False , erroneous claimed , unacquainted with what is written in the Bible ,,manalo doesn't fit of all Biblical citing which refers to the fifth angel, a ravenous bird. Manalo falls to false prophets in our time. Thanks be to God we are acquainted in the Bible with Mr.ControversyX. #ManaloMisleadsPeople #TheTruthCaster

  96. Thanks be to God for this informative article. I hope this blog will reach my friends who are members of INC. May they soon realize the erroneous teachings and refutable basis of Manalo.

  97. Only Mr.Controversy X has the balls to expose the Truth of the erroneous claims of Manalo of the prophesies in the Bible...Read this new blog and see the Truth

  98. Very true, in, 2tim.3:13-but the evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, decieving and being decieved....... thanx be to God for this new blog...... to God be the Glory.

  99. Obscurantism is what the INCM is very fond of doing. They are used to twisting biblical truth because this is what their father would want them to do. If Felix Manalo is an angel, what then is Eraño and Edgardo, are they angels too? This is truly stupidity at its pinnacle.

  100. manalo is fooling his church member the inc,he obviously preaching lie.i hope this blog will serve as an eye opener.thanks be to God.

  101. Thanks be to GOD for a wonderful blog

    Manalo is twisting the Scripture he says that he is the angel which is wrong

  102. twisting the scriptures is the style of other religion to mislead people.

  103. Exactly! And obviously They twisting the verses in the bible to deceive people. For their personal gain... Thanks mr. Controversy for this blog, may they realize (incm members) that manalo's are using them for their own benefits, to earn money and doesn't really care about the salvation of their souls.

  104. Another informative blog To God be the Glory !!!!

  105. Thank you so much to God for using MrConroversyX as instrument in these last days to reveal all enemies of God's TRUTH like INC MANALO, now it is evident that MANALO IS A REAL WRESTLER, WRESTLING THE SCRIPTURES BY TWISTING THE TRUTH WITH ONE MAJOR GOAL to DECEIT and to MAKE ALL BECOMING MEMBERS AS MERCHANDISE.

    This UNSELFISH BLOG of MrControversyX only shows and denotes a very WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY for all NETIZENS most especially all members of INC Manalo to wake-up and live that church for you will only be living in A WORLD OF LIES!

    Bro.Eli, May God Almighty our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit continuously guide, protect and LEAD you always.

    God Bless us all our CO-BELIEVERS!

  106. I believe the manalo's are best fit in John 8:44.. should have added this to their claims, at least this one is right best fit for them.

  107. May the Lord guide those followers of INCM. Kaawaan nawa sila ng Dios Ama. To God be the Glory. Salamat sa Dios ako ay tinawag nya

  108. its very long time that they fooled theyre foolished members to gain those Blind members did not Notice that they are Claiming Felix Manalo is the Last Messenger how About Erano and Eduardo? it is something silly theyre member is brainless its so sad!

  109. this is a proof that Felix Manalo is ignorant in the words of God in the Bible and it imply that he is not the one who sent by God to lead people to attain salvation

  110. Maybe that's why they forbid their members to open or red the bible. Because once they open it they will probably know the truth. But some of them blindly follow all the rules gven by the ministry.

  111. this is a proof that Felix Manalo is not the one sent by God to lead His people, Manalo is a false Prophet and it implies how ignorant he is when it come to the words of God in the bible.

  112. Maybe that's why they forbid their members to open or red the bible. Because once they open it they will probably know the truth. But some of them blindly follow all the rules gven by the ministry.

  113. When Superman was still in flight, he was thought to be a bird or a plane. But "Manalo is neither a bird nor an angel nor a man." Poor Manalo.

  114. Very informative! Thanks be to God!

  115. Salamat sa Dios at pinapahayag ang mga walang lihim na hindi malalantad kaya sumisigaw ako ng Glory to God.

  116. The twisting of the scriptures of the iglesia ni manalo is exposed finally! Thanks be to God.

  117. another wonderfull,full of information blog. thanks be to God !

  118. Twisting scriptures is clearly a work of false prophet's.

  119. Napakagandang paliwanag at makatuwiran ang mga nasasaad dito sa bagong blog na ito, Sana mabigyan ng oras at panahon na mabasa ito ng ating mga kababayan lalo na ng mga miyembro ng iglsesia ni manalo o (INCM) Salamat sa Dios.

  120. What a funny doctrine of Manalo. Even how he twist the scripture he never ever get the truth because he is a very very false prophet.

  121. The Manalos deliberating deceit to his members

  122. A syndicate and a mafia hiding behind the religion called "Iglesia Ni Cristo". Thanks be to God He is revealing the TRUTH...

  123. sometimes because of trust on false preachers using the name of the Lord, we believe on whatever they say..., thanks be to God there is a man sent by God as proven by the clarity of this blog! Keep on marching Bro.Eli!

  124. thanks be to God for this very enlightening blog! if only the INC members would read the Bible they would prove to themselves that they are being mislead by their preachers.however they are prohibited to do so because Manalo's lies would definitely be exposed. it's sad to know that despite the fact that most of them (INC members) are wise by human standards they just believe what they hear from Manalo without really consulting if it's Biblically right or wrong.

  125. INC ni Manalo read this blog and know your SUGO who really is!...

  126. An eye opener! More of this please!

  127. How cunning of Manalo to fool his people – twisting the Scriptures so he could insert himself and his church!

  128. This is the arrogance of Felix Manalo...claim to be an angel,,,and Thanks be to God we have Mr.Controversy to exposed this thing..

  129. Another blessing from God is this blog of Mr. Controversy X. He clearly delineates Biblical logic and exposes the lies of a delusional preacher Manalo is. Our hope is that people will open their minds and stop believing deceit. Manalo is taking a role in the Bible he is definitely not. Thanks be to God for Mr. Controversy X and his enlightening blogs.

  130. kawawa naman yung mga member ng INCM na naloko nila.

  131. Rated "A". Truly enlightening. A must read article.

  132. this is one of the great blog here in mrcontroversyextraordinary, that exposing that the church of manalo is false religion. they twisted the scripture to misled the people.
    thanks be to God thru Christ Jesus

  133. Thank god for enlightining us..very informative

  134. Mabuti na lang at salamat sa Dios may Kapatid na Eli at Kapatid na Daniel sa mga panahong ito..

  135. Thank be to GOD,,its very clear ,,clear as crystal water .

  136. Indeed Bro Eli is an irrefutable preacher of our time.

  137. This is so simple INC's.. thanks be to God that there is a bible that is open for everyone to read and study. And thanks be to God that he never let everyone to be fooled by false preachers. Thanks be to God that the bible is written completely for all humanity and that it never contradicts itself. To God be the Glory.

  138. Must read, it gives light to everyone to avoid being deceived by false religion. Thanks be to God.

  139. Must read, it gives light to avoid being deceived by false religion, thanks be to God, for this type of blog.

  140. It really pays to be well-informed in these perilous times. Absurd claims of Manalo and other false religions should be totally exposed.

  141. Thanks be to God,there's one blogger like him.

  142. This is another interesting blog from Mr. Controversy. Thanks be to God!

  143. Thanks be to God,there's one blogger like him that clears the issue...

  144. Thanks be to God,there's one blogger like him.

    #TheTruthCaster #ManaloMisleadsPeople

  146. Malinaw ang sinasabi ng biblia sa Apocalipsis chapter 7 na mali talaga ang claim ni Erano Manalo na Felix Manalo ang anghel na tinutukoy dito. Mga kababayang membro ng INC gising po kayo. Huwag po ninyong sayangin ang panahon magbasa po kayo ng biblia para kayo na mismo ang makakita ng totoo. Aral po ng Dios ang totoo at hindi ang aral ng tao lamang.

  147. Maraming salamat po sa Dios Bro. Eli sa isa na naman pong makatotohanang aral ng biblia na iyo ipinaabot sa mga tao. Sana mamulat ang mga ng puso ng myembro ng INC sa napakamaling aral ng kanilang pinaniniwalaang sugo.

  148. How funny Manalo is to distort the meaning of Scriptures about to suit his own purpose. Trying so hard in injecting their invented stories. Mr. Controversy blog exposed all their misleading teachings that falsely persuade others. And I just can’t wait on the next blog issue of Mr. Controversy that will prove Manalo is neither a bird nor an angel nor man!

  149. Salamat sa Dios that I have not been deceived by Manalo! #ManaloMisleadsPeople #TheTruthCaster

  150. Salamat sa Dios! napakaliwanag na pagpapaliwanag! wala talagang ibang katulad si Bro.Eli sa mga nangangaral ngayon :) salamat sa Dios. To God be the Glory!

  151. thanks be to God for this exposition of INCM's evil claims which do not confront the vivid explanation of the scriptures.

  152. It's pathetic that manalo have tried every possible trick just to try and fit in the prophecies of the Bible. Thank GOD for Mr. Controversy X, things are clearer now, that manalo nor his "church" has no right to claim to be the true church in the Bible. Looking forward to the next blog of Mr. Controversy X.

  153. Tnx be to God for another interesting bĺog by mr.controversy INC members should read this

  154. Thanks be unto God for this informative Blog.

    We should spread it to all specially to all Manalista they need to understand this blog, because it show how felix manalo Twists Scriptures to Refer to Himself.

    Thanks be to God .

  155. Manalo misleads people by using wrong Bible translations, and wrestles the real contexts just to create false beliefs.

  156. manalo is a big liar and deceiver to his followers!

  157. Halos lahat ng myembro Nila makikita mo talaga NA ang tinuturo Lang ni Manalo sa kaniyang myembro ay kabaligtaran sa BIBLIA . Salamat sa Dios sa pagkakataon NA makilala ko ang TUNAY NA Iglesia TUNAY NA bayan ng DIOS NA nagtuturo ng lahat ng katotohanan sa Biblia sa pamamagitan ng Tapat NA lingkod ng Dios .

  158. #TheTruthcaster #ManaloMisleadsPeople
    Not only misleading but outright deception. It is a great misfortune not to be informed/told the TRUTH.

  159. Manalo a fake preacher misleading people from the truth and ushering them to hell,hope they will come to their senses that they are just being fooled by this family of evil deeds.This blog is for you.

  160. Very Informative.. Thanks be to GOD
    It's very true that FELIX MANALO twisted the scripture, as the bible said..
    But Jesus answered and said to them, "You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures nor the power of God.(Matthew 22:29)
    being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart;Ephesians 4:18

  161. I come to term that Manalo and his sons are fake preachers or should I call them such?Misleading people from the truth has always been their business.A beast in their own big right.

  162. Mr. Controversy is indeed helping every people to be aware of the Truth! Someone can misguide people about what is truly written on the Bible but Noone, whoever be it, could reverse what is written in the Bible! A wise man said: "kahit angkinin mo ang pinatutunguhan ng Biblia, lalabas at lalabas ang Katotohanan!" #TheTruthCaster #ManaloMisleadsPeople

  163. Kung hindi talaga ipagkaloob ng Dios ang unawa ay hindi natin ito maaatain.Acts 28:26-27.salamat sa Dios

  164. Twisting the truth to give way to deceit is of the devil's.

    As proven by Mr.ControversyX, Felix Manalo is a FALSE prophet!

    Thanks be to GOD for the wisdom in your writings , Bro. Eli Soriano . To GOD be the Glory!

  165. Felix Manalo's misinterpretation in so many verse in the Bible proves, that he's not the messenger of God, he is relaying an erroneous belief, a wrong interpretation in the verses in the Bible that mislead millions of people, I'm just telling that "Kung ano ang puno, siya rin ang bunga", see his son Erano and his grandson Eduardo, they misleading the people, making people to believe on something what is wrong... Thanks be to God for this informative blog which Mr. Controversy posted, may this blog enlightens many people who has been mislead for so many years by the Manalo clan(INCM).

  166. Watching a clown performs at a circus makes me happy. What makes me sad is knowing how #ManaloMisleadsPeople

  167. I feel sorry for those people who are being misled by this dynasty of unscrupulous preachers.

    Through this blog may the Lord enlighten the hearts of those people that are being deceived.

  168. I myself often use the Bible as basis for some of my writings whether it be for school or for work but, to interpret it according to my own understanding is a thing With God's help I will never do. This Manalo man/family, I believe is a very good example of a self proclaimed preacher who celebrate his idiotic teaching by preaching it to the poor people who believed him. How can you even dare claim that you are an angel and accuse the verses in Apocalypse chapters 6-7 to occur during the World War 1 when it is logically and obviously not?

    I'm just so glad that This blog was written, not only that the author simply tells the truth but he also was able to expose the erroneous teaching of the INCM and how they twisted the truth in and of the Bible.

    More power to you Mr. Controversy and may God continually give you the physical strength and wisdom so people such I myself will continuously be enlighten too.

  169. Another Blog that is full of wisdom, sacrifice, sincerity and Love from you Bro. Eli.
    Thanks be to God and will always be grateful for having part of you.
    To all netizens, especially those members of Iglesia ni Manalo, hope they will be enlighten.
    ¡gracias a Dios!

  170. Wow! another enlightening read. No one else speketh the absolute truth but God his ways and thoughts are beyond us! The TRUTH! Thanks be unto God!

  171. very sad a lot of inc manalo's members were totally blinded. as clear as crystal Mr. Controversy explains the deceiving teachings of that cult.

  172. Thanks be to God! Another must read blog...

  173. I thank God that He has sent Mr. Controversy to us to be enlightened by another mind-opening blog.

    The Manalos can only claim their beliefs however, they cannot prove them. They are deviating their members from the truth to be in their favor. I pity those members who have been (until now) brainwashed by their leader. Their leader does not even fall to a conclusion that he is the angel being mentioned in the scriptures; this is because Manalo is interpreting the verse to suit him, for himself. Directly twisting the truth.

    I hope and pray that many would read this blog and may God open their hearts and minds to the Truth- God's words.

    May God bless us.

  174. Let all things be done with Love, let us help each other to spread the Love of God by sharing the truth in the Bible, let us share this blog that can open the heart of others to know the truth written in the Bible. To God be the glory

  175. INC MANALO twist the holy Scriptures thus his listener would follow him so they gather as a whole in their wrong faith .
    thanks for this informative blog !

  176. Manalo out of his mind. No knowledge of the Bible.

  177. thanks be to God for the enlightenment.

  178. I hope this blog will reach and read by as many as possible specially our INC friends that are being deceived by their false Sugo, the glaring truth about the erroneous and misleading doctrines of Manalo‘s are irrefutable and well explained based on the text and the context of the holy scriptures....The undenieble truth will open their mind and hearts if they are seeking for the truth...Thanks be to God for another wisdom explained and shared to us by Mr. Controversy X.

  179. A Slap of Truth to awaken the sleeping INCM fanatics.

  180. With this blog how manalo twist the bible just to refer he is angel but the truth is he is not the angel shouting according in the bible

  181. To: author
    every verse is a Prophercy. so dont read the bible like a literature .

    damn you cant break the inc

  182. The manalistas should read this blog for their own sake-to realize for themselves the twisted teachings of their 'sugo'. Other sect members should also read to be forwarned of this false teachings ang trickery in interpretation of verses in the bible. Lets share this blog to all!!

  183. Another incisive analysis on the falsity of INC teachings. Claiming that Manalo is the 5th angel is simply outlandish and preposterous. Manalo can never be the angel in Revelations. Not in the near future nor in the future to come.
    This is the reason why their members are prohibited and sternly warned not to read the bible. To forever keep them ignorant and be in the dark. That way, the Manalo leadership can claim anything they want from the bible. They can do that to their fanatic members BUT as long as Mr.X is around, they will not succeed in fooling everybody.
